Health Matters with Rosie Bank

Health Matters with Rosie Bank

Why Stretching Matters Part One – Podcast #14

January 29, 2018

#14 Why Stretching Matters Part One
Yoga Stretching to do at home for optimal health and well-being.
Do you resonate with the idea of becoming looser, more balanced, more comfortable, and stronger in your body?
If so, follow along with me in 'Why Stretching Matters Part One' in this Health Matters Podcast, and then, afterward, in 'Why Stretching Matters Part Two'.
And most importantly, TAKE ACTION!

Bonus resource. This is a beautiful page with lovely and inspiring quotes. Relax like a boss

Here are the topics I broached on Health Matters Podcast Episode 14:

The joys of stretching. What can happen for you when you begin to stretch your body?
Let’s discuss a plan, so that you can literally move ahead with your practice.
You can stretch dutifully, knowing that it is good for you. Or, you can fall in love and have a transcendent experience. Both are perfect, and you can’t go wrong.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. It is built in to yoga that you work with what you have and meet yourself where you are in your progress.
Yoga versus stretching… they overlap, and are differentiated in some ways.
Yoga will help you feel more comfortable, more relaxed, more embodied, and nicer to be around.
Yoga will help you have relief from pain and strain and to feel empowered to release holding patterns on your own, on purpose.
Yoga will help you unwind from stress and experience more peace and harmony in your life.

What about the medical benefits?

Yoga is good for your heart. You may be able to address a variety of heart-related issues including hypertension.
Yoga can provide other psychological benefits, such as relief from anxiety, depression, substance cravings, and massive debilitating stress.

Bu the way, the free download for this episode is a “Getting Started with Yoga Stretches”.  I’ll share a variety of resources, and walk you through a basic practice.

Links mentioned in this episode  My book, Health Matters.
The Mayo Clinic on the benefits of stretching plus a tutorial video. Dean Ornish, MD, more on the medical benefits of yoga, in particular with heart health.

Links that you may find useful Yoga helps with metabolism and weight loss. George Leonard, author of Mastery

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