Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#77 6 Things That Are Working For Us Right Now - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

January 22, 2015

James and Tim are back in another informative episode of Freedom Ocean. This week they discuss something that many businesses lack, and share the top six things that are working for them in their businesses.

In the podcast:

01:54 - A lack of magical moments
03:01 - The customer service split test
06:54 - A standout resto experience
08:28 - The person makes the difference
11:07 - An eye-opening retreat
13:32 - The value of benchmarking
15:02 - Keeping a conference alive
17:02 - The number 1 thing working for James
21:36 - The rewards of having a team
24:59 - A lesson from lawn mowing
27:05 - The beauty of using voice
28:31 - Filtering out the noise

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Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.



Tim: Good day, listeners, and welcome back to Episode 77 of your favorite Internet marketing podcast, Freedom Ocean. I’m Timbo Reid here, sitting in Melbourne, Australia, right over there is…

James: James Schramko, sitting in front of a stormy ocean here on the Pacific. It’s a little bit wild today.

Tim: Is it? And freshly off a plane, mate, or a week or so ago, so I reckon you’d be back happy to see that beautiful freedom ocean in front of you.

James: Yeah, I did a little bit of climate changing on the last trip. I went from Sydney to the Philippines, which was very hot, in the mid 30s, and then whipped over to London, which was like zero to 10 degrees,so it was quite a chill factor. And then back to the 27 to 37, we’ve had a pretty good range here. Loving being back home.

Tim: It’s always good to come home, mate. So what we’re going to do today is, you’ve had a couple of customer service experiences that are worth sharing, and then we’re going to talk about what’s working in both our businesses. We should do a bit of a top three for each of us.

James: Yeah, that sounds tops.

Tim: So Jimmy, I actually was interviewed on someone else’s podcast only this morning, it was all about retail. And one of the things we talked about is customer service. And in Australia, a distinct lack of it, or at least magical customer service, service that makes you go “Wow”. You had some good experiences?

James: Yeah, as you travel, it’s such a great chance to see what’s going on in the rest of the world. And I noted down a couple that I thought were remarkable, but it must be said, I went to a developing nation and then to a very old nation, you know, like a top, expensive world-class league nation, and there aren’t that many standout experiences even in different countries. But some of the ones that stood out for me, I thought I’d mention.

Tim: Can I just interrupt already, and just say, isn’t that amazing that there aren’t? Therein lies an opportunity for every single business online or offline, to think about how they can provide magical moments to make their customers go “Wow”, to be shareable through social media because people have had great ...