Catharsis: Life, The World and Alternative Medicine

Catharsis: Life, The World and Alternative Medicine

Laying the Foundation, Rob’s Story

October 18, 2014


Fasting for Weight Loss & Detoxification Podcast Episode 1
In this Episode:

What fasting is and what it is not. Not all ‘fasts’ are the same. Properly carried out and broken, a fast can not only help you to lose weight fast, but it will clean your body of harmful toxins that can cause disease, reduce your energy levels and ability to concentrate, induce mood swings and even depression. Proper fasting can rejuvenate you and transform your life.

On the other hand, ‘true‘ fasting is NOT a fast carried out with an eating disorder, done compulsively to lose weight fast so that, later one can resume overeating.

Clarifying your goals and expectations.It is important for you to be clearly aware of what you wish to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it, and what your expectations are in relation to reaching your objective.Unclear goals will produce paltry results. Overblown expectations, for their part, cause many to get frustrated along the way and, seeing that things aren’t happening ‘how they should happen,’ abandon the effort and often return to poor eating habits.

How much weight will I lose in how much time? This is by far the number one question that I receive in relation to fasting. Today, I will answer it.

Am I prepared to pay the price? Many want to lose weight and improve their health but resist the process, resent the discomfort and have not become COMPLETELY willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach the goal. 

Robert’s story – to hell & back. I will talk about my descent into obesity, an eating disorder, depression and isolation. I will tell you how I managed to get out and, through the upcoming episodes, will show you how, you too, can make it happen. 

Q&A: I will read and answer questions that I receive from my mailing list subscribers. Â