Epic Entrepreneur

Epic Entrepreneur

EE 16: Feng Shui and other energetic influences that we can’t see

March 29, 2015

Little did you know... Michelle is a fan of Feng Shui and has a previously been a Consultant!

This podcast was a random one that came about after Carren noticing Michelle's office had been changed around for Chinese New Year.

We have a chat about Feng Shui and other energetic influences that we can't see and how they effect our day to day lives.

Here is the link to Janette Tibbs Annual Influences Guide (it's only 50 bucks!!) http://holistictherapyconnections.yolasite.com/manuals-and-guides.php

This is the link to Michelle's interview with her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5j_-eXJECQ