EdTech Moment

EdTech Moment

Episode 48: Embedding Google Forms – Part 2

February 21, 2013

A couple episodes ago I showed how simple it was to embed your Google forms into your Google site because the two tools work so well together.  But not everyone uses the Google Sites for their class website.  Can you still embed your Google Forms?  Absolutely, In this episode we'll look at how you can can embed Google forms into any website using standard HTML embed code.

In the window where you are editing your form click on the "more actions" button. This will give you an option that says embed in website. Select that option and Google will provide you with an iframe code that you can copy and paste in to the HTML code of your website. Remember that you will still want to adjust the height and width of the form in the code that you are pasting into your site.

Another more advanced way to do this is to click the link at the bottom of your edit window to view the live form. In your browser access the page source (this is done differently in each browser, so I will leave that detail up to you to figure out). Copy all the code in the "form container" div and paste it into your site. This is more difficult, but also gives you more flexibility to customize the code as well as the face that the form will be consistent with the CSS style rules of your site, not those preset by Google.

Have fun with your Google Forms. I think it's always a good idea to embed any web materials that you want to use into your site so that your students are accessing it within the context of the class site, rather than simply linking out to other sites.

Be sure to check out edtechmoment.com for more tutorial videos like this one.

First Form

Second Form

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