Create with John Fanning podcast

Create with John Fanning podcast

15: Doors and the Cave

July 23, 2020

In this episode John talks about the metaphor of Doors towards creativity and the imagination out of what he calls the Cave or wall away from creativity.

In this introduction to Doors John sees imagination as a potential we all possess. It can be opened in a vast array of human activities – anything from traditional art and craft work (writing, painting, composing and so on) to sports and leisure activities (baseball or establishing a garden) or in other less obvious cultural forms (flower arrangement, say, or tea ceremonies). At best, this is what a Door symbolizes, an opening to positive creation and imagination, an opening through every Wall, away from the illusionary security of fear, into aesthetic, ritualistic and symbolic creation. The key to the door is the Imagination, not the creativity of greed on Wall Street. Yes, Wall Street. A street of Walls. You become a creative insider on that street. You become a creative outsider when you walk through the door of the Imagination with its many paths and streets.

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