College Prep Genius

College Prep Genius

7th and 8th Grade College Checklist

March 09, 2022
Is your 7th and 8th grader thinking about college, do you need a college checklist? There is no time like present and there are ways to prepare early, only if you are interested in those scholarship opportunities!7th and 8th Grade College Checklist ~ Episode 89

Is your 7th and 8th grader thinking about college, do you need a college checklist? There is no time like present and there are ways to prepare early, only if you are interested in those scholarship opportunities!

Visit Jean Burk at  Jean offers online classes, in-person and live online sessions as well.

Listen to past episodes here on College Checklists:

Ultimate College Checklists Grades 9-10 here.

College Checklists 11-12th grade here.

Creating good study habits is a good way to prepare for college. Does your child have what it takes? Studying takes time and practices like anything else your child does. Study habits and taking good notes is important as well. Setting up your child for success the earlier the better. One of the keys is studying a foreign language, some colleges look for at least four years of study.

College Checklist:

What can you do to prepare (listen to the podcast for details, here is a thumbnail sketch).

  1. Start to think about future careers. (Visit College Ed) a free website.
  2. Read great books. For a list of the top of 100 books, your child should read before college. ( Parents be aware some of these books may not be appropriate – so check into them before you assign them to your child.
  3. Work on core subjects, math, reading, and writing. Very important.
  4. Study strong subjects, electives are fine, but be strong on subjects.
  5. Foreign language study.
  6. Take practice tests, ACT, and SAT. Sign up for the website (minimum age is 13 for SAT, younger for ACT).
  7. Sign up for CLT test online – code on the podcast for a deep discount.
  8. Before 9th grade read good books.
  9. Talent searches – some colleges look for young students to give scholarships.
  10. Leadership types of goals.

Starting test prep in middle school takes off the pressure when the children are older. If your child takes their time younger to get ready to study, they will be able to work smarter and not harder.

The post 7th and 8th Grade College Checklist appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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