The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

Conundrums – Hard Times and More – The Weekly Podcast

October 05, 2016

In this episode I explore a load on interesting ideas and some of the conundrums that keep me up at night. In life, how do we explain that some people just seem plain luck while the rest of us set goals and struggle against big odds? What is the best response? Should you try and do nothing and just sit back on the metaphorical beach of life and just let things happen? I have eventually worked out what works for me and I want to share how a quote from Abraham Lincoln helped me finalise my approach.

I also talk, once again, about the big question of purpose. Should you keep all your options in life open for as long as possible or should you drill down and lock in on one thing?

Next I share a quote that has already received a thousand likes on Facebook. It seems many of us struggle with the same challenges and this quote definitely hit a nerve with people.

This podcast is all about encouraging you on the journey - especially when things are tough. So sit back, relax and enjoy.