The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

Bob Litwin Interview

August 10, 2016

In this special podcast it's time for a very special Bob Litwin interview. Bob is the author of the life changing book, Live The Best Story of Your Life. One of the things that makes this book so special is the fact that its central premise is so simple. Bob argues that one of the keys to a successful life is to simply be more aware of the deep story you are telling yourself about your situation and your life. So many people get caught up in negative stories that don't serve them. The problem is that most people then get stuck there. What Bob Litwin teaches us is that we are always capable of creating a new story. At any moment in life we can create a new story, a story that aligns more closely with our most deeply help values.

The Bob Litwin Interview is a great chance to gain a better understanding of the key principles in How To Live The Best Story of Your Life and how you can apply these principles to your life. If you feel ready to make a change in life then make sure you set aside the time to really engage with what Bob is teaching us. It is a powerful message that can be truly transformative in your life.