Campfire Conversations by 1Campfire

Campfire Conversations by 1Campfire

I Was Attacked By A Grizzly..

January 11, 2022

That evening at 9:50 pm Louis L’amour had me enthralled in a tale so I kept reading, about 30 minutes later I heard something.

The beat of heavy footprints.

Thu..Thump, Thu…thump, Thu… Thump, Thu.. Thump

And the Sound of huffing

Hufffff Huf, Huffff Huf, Hufff Huf, Huffff Huf as the footsteps fell

The nightmare was just beginning- and he was awake.

Ken Scown recounts his story of being attacked by a grizzly bear in his tent in 2009.

What a way to bring the first episode of Campfire Conversations to life!