New Work Revolution

New Work Revolution

Ep 258- Everybody Delivers an Experience

June 05, 2019

  The first principle that we discussed with Total Experience Design, TXD, is that “Everyone Delivers an Experience Whether They Know it or Not.”  When somebody lets you down, it’s easy to make assumptions about people and their intentions.  What if people want to do a good job, why don’t they? Hanlon’s Razor states: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity or simple oversight.” You screw up. I screw up.  We all do.  The key is to create awareness for team members on how their behavior impacts other people.  This may seem really simple to you but society has created a buffer that separates human beings from consequences.  Because of that, leadership is required to create awareness of the big picture. Communicating the experience and how everyone plays a role in that can be a powerful experience for a team’s understanding around how they all fit together. I dive a little deeper in this week’s podcast and give you three ways to lead this concept for your teams.  You can listen to the episode by clicking the player above or you can boost my street cred with Apple by subscribing in iTunes. Also, if you like the show, rate it and share it.  Thank you.  You’re the best.