Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

Designing your lifestyle

July 13, 2022

In the DevelopHer’s weekend intensive, we covered an incredibly important aspect of building that is often not spoken about - the lifestyle you actually want to create and design.

When you map out your ideal day and understand your ultimate goals and how they fit into the rhythm of your life, you can plan your build to suit your life. 

I’m about to head off on a trip around Australia for six months, I’m so excited! I was able to plan and change the way we’re going to live during this period AND still get work done to go on this amazing adventure. 

In this episode, I’m sharing the lifestyle that we’re designing and how we map and plan out our projects to fit into our big picture. We’re able to live the values that are so important to us while achieving our building and developing dreams. 

If you had a choice to do anything you wanted, what would it be? You can design your life in accordance with this. You only get one life and time is our most valuable asset. We have to use our time wisely and intentionally in the way we design and not just ‘get through’ each day. 

To go on this journey, I’ve installed systems and processes ahead of time so that the next six months will run smoothly while I’m away. I know that just because I can be doing something, doesn’t mean I should be doing it and others might be able to do it better. 

You can design the way your day looks, your house feels, and how the finishes work. Nobody else can do that for you. Building and designing is an amazing privilege and it’s our opportunity to fully embrace the process.