Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

Finding Time to Plan for Success with Rachel Collard

August 01, 2022

Our days can become jam-packed with neverending to-do lists and it feels like we never have time to sit still for 2 seconds, let alone 2 hours. We're so focused on every action that needs to be taken that we’re not making it a priority and giving ourselves time and space to plan and think. 

In this episode, Rachel and I are going to talk about the importance of finding time to plan for success. We run you through our own planning processes and practical ways of finding quiet space to plan and organise in your everyday hectic life. When you’ve done the big thinking and decided that it’s what you want to achieve, you need to break it down into manageable steps. This process takes dedicated time and energy but you’ll be endlessly thankful that you did. 

At BuildHer, we’ve updated our automated processes and changed our meeting structure to allow space. Take a moment and consider that even though you can spread yourself across every aspect of your business and spend hours doing domestic duties, should you? There may be many things inside your business and in your personal life that you can outsource to take advantage of your day and find space for planning. 

If you want to plan with your partner, book a dinner out away from the kids. You’ll be able to set the intention and find focus for your big decisions and how you’re going to make them happen. Make it fun and exciting! 

This conversation is perfect for you if you’re just not finding any time in your day to plan and reflect on your big decisions. We’ll help you navigate your hectic schedule and grab hold of that quiet space!