Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 109

January 26, 2022

If you delight in spending time reading the Bible and growing closer to God through his word, then you already know the truth of today’s declaration: God’s Word keeps me rooted on the riverbank. I drew that promise out of Psalm 1, which a dear friend recently prayed over me. She inspired today’s episode, because I’m going to pray Psalm 1 over you like she did for me. 

Psalm 1 contrasts the path of the wicked from the path of the godly. If we follow the advice of the wicked, we’ll be swept away into a torrent of trouble, like whitewater rapids. But delighting in the law of the Lord will hold us firmly, steadfast on solid ground. Likewise, standing around with sinners or joining in with mockers will dry us up like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. But meditating on the Word of God keeps us well-watered so that we bear fruit and prosper in all we do. 

Picture a path along a river with a fork where the river bends out of view. We don’t know what’s around that bend. But God does. Psalm 1 tells us that the path of the wicked leads to destruction. Tragically, that dangerous path has a certain allure. Otherwise, what thinking person would take it? 

I once heard that Satan offers us rewards up front. The cost comes later. By contrast, the path of everlasting life comes with costs up front. But we receive a great reward later. Be assured that God is watching over your path, my friend. He is able to guide you away from following the advice of the wicked. So, delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. Following biblical principles will help you stay on the right path, and the Holy Spirit will whisper guidance if you wander off. 

I invite all women who live in the Fresno, California area to attend an upcoming women’s Bible study that I’ll be teaching based on my book Longing to Belong, which served as the catalyst for this podcast. The study will be held Wednesday evenings at Peoples Church beginning March 2 at 7 p.m. I’ll share more details in the coming weeks on my website at

This week’s scripture: Psalm 1