Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 93

October 06, 2021

This episode is for anyone going through a season of lack right now. I am right there in the desert with you. The drought I’m in is being magnified by the smell of smoke that is so thick from the California wildfires near my home that it’s blocking out the sun at times.
We need rain. We desperately need rain, and I’m reminded of the drought in my own life each time I look out my window and see the smoky air.
Are there any rainclouds above that thick, brown haze?
When the resources I count on dry up, God calls me to look up. To look above and beyond the haze, and trust Him to bring rain in due season. Our all-sufficient God has unlimited resources, and He provides more than enough to meet our needs—with plenty left over to share.
When we’re needy, giving away what we have seems impossible. How can we be generous to others when we don’t have enough to meet our own needs? But our declaration to believe and speak this week summarizes the truth in 2 Corinthians 9:8.
“God generously provides all I need so that I can generously share.”
Monday evening, when I was putting my thoughts together for this episode, I stopped writing and started praying for rain. I told the Lord that I believed that there ARE rainclouds somewhere above all that smoke. I told Him that I believe He is able to meet all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19)
I fervently asked for rain. Rain to put out the fires, rain to wash away the smoke, and a rain of resources to wash over my dry season of lack. Shortly after I closed my prayer, my weather app popped up with a notification informing me that rain would begin falling soon and would last for about 30 minutes. Wow! God hears us when we pray, so keep believing and speaking his promises, my friend. Your tongue has power. Use it for good.
This week's scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6–11a
Discover the healing power of Psalm 139 in my book, Longing to Belong: Discovering the Joy of Acceptance.
Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, and
Also available as an audiobook from Audible, and as a digital download to your Kindle or from the Apple store for your iBooks app.
Take the 10-day journey with me and let Scripture heal your heart.
Look for the Longing to Belong Reading Plan on your mobile device via the YouVersion Bible app.