Badass Agile

Badass Agile

Badass Conversations - Ardita Karaj Part I - Frameworkless Transformations

July 14, 2019

This week, I meet with coach, colleague, and friend Ardita Karaj to discuss her take on large enterprise transformation.

Ardita is very well known in the international Agile community. I've had the pleasure of working with her in the past and I admire her enthusiasm, intelligence and empathetic approach to Agile.

She also has a no-nonsense approach to and instinct for business.  My favourite quote from the day is "It used to be 'the big eats the small'.  Now, 'the fast eats the slow'.

This is a two-part interview; in the first part, we discuss Ardita's background, letting teams and individuals have the freedom to choose their own approach and tools, and the foundations of frameworkless transformation.

Enjoy, and stay tuned for Part II later this week!