An Oral History of the Church

An Oral History of the Church

Vol. 2 Ep. 6 Social Sciences and History

January 13, 2017

What is the role of the social sciences as they relate to history? Aren't they just one and the same? We dig into this subject as deep as we can this week. It builds on the last several episodes - the use of primary, secondary, and even tertiary sources. Come back next week for our discussion of history writing! Questions or comments? Please contact us at or on Twitter @OralHistoryPod and we might answer them on the show! We hope to hear from you. Our next volume is coming soon, and it will focus on the Protestant Reformation. If you have questions about that, you are welcome to send them in now and we will try to work those in, as well.  "Saints Gone Before" started releasing episodes in early December 2016. You can find weekly episodes there in all the same subscription options as An Oral History of the Church, including texts from the Radical Reformation and Martin Luther.