Creepy True Crime Paranormal Stories

Creepy True Crime Paranormal Stories

Latest Episodes

Tales from the Edge Unveiling the Near-Death Obsession
March 31, 2024

I'll never forget the chill that ran down my spine the first time I heard someone casually refer to themselves as a "death addict." That conversation set the stage for an unforgettable discussion with Adam, a man whose life teeters on the edge of the mort

Unholy Bargains and the Quest to Defy Death - Scary Paranormal Story
March 31, 2024

When love beckons you to the edge of darkness, how far would you tread into the shadows? The tale I share isn't for the faint of heart; it's a stark glimpse into my life with Elaine as she faces the jaws of stomach cancer, and the lengths to which I'd go

The Backyard Fear - Creepy True Crime Story
March 30, 2024

In this episode, the protagonist and Dale discuss recent events while on a trip. They arrive at a suburban house where Dale's brothers are playing. The group discusses the possibility of violence and a peaceful resolution to a contract violation. They als

Near-Death Journey - Creepy True Crime Story
March 30, 2024

In this episode, the speaker shares their powerful near-death experience while battling leukemia. They encounter a peaceful but indescribable figure resembling death and try to escape, but ultimately accept their fate. Saved by a mysterious man, they expl

Transformation and Tragedy - Creepy True Crime Story
March 30, 2024

In this gripping podcast episode, Duke, a family dog, mysteriously disappears and returns almost a year later, only to exhibit unusual behavior. As Duke's presence grows more dominant, the protagonist's concerns escalate, leading to a shocking discovery a

Paranormal Horror Story of the Hunted Pond
March 30, 2024

In this gripping episode, the protagonist's encounter with a troubling officer takes a sinister turn. As they are taken to a mysterious location, secrets begin to unravel. The officer's dark intentions are revealed, involving a deadly creature and a distu

The Hunter's Vow - Paranormal Horror Story
March 30, 2024

In this gripping episode, Ron faces the heart-wrenching task of confronting the love of his life, now transformed into a monstrous creature. Reflecting on his life as a hunter, he regrets the path he chose. Holding onto a symbol of their commitment, he cl

Scary Halloween Tale - Paranormal Story
March 29, 2024

In this episode, the speaker shares a heartbreaking story of a young boy named Harvey who disappeared during Halloween. Harvey's experience of being ignored while trick-or-treating shattered his confidence and ultimately led to his disappearance. Tune in

The Forgotten Splendor of the Night - Scary Paranormal Story
March 29, 2024

In this episode, the speaker shares their deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of the nighttime. They invite listeners to embrace the silence, coolness, and taste of the night air. The isolated setting is seen as a sanctuary from modern distr

Echoes of Fear: A Suburban Nightmare Unfolds - Scary Paranormal Story
March 29, 2024

Join us as we unravel a story that merges the trials of mental health recovery with the haunting allure of suburban mysteries. Listen in as we recount the poignant journey of someone emerging from the shadows of a near-suicidal experience, seeking solace