2 Regular Guys Talking Decoration and Personalization

2 Regular Guys Talking Decoration and Personalization

Creative Merch Store Ideas

October 02, 2020

We are rolling headfirst into the 4th quarter of 2020. With 2020 being a year of pivoting, we have seen the creativity at an all-time high in our industry. This week, Aaron and Terry welcome Matt Marcotte who is now with Printavo to talk about merch stores. Matt is going to walk us through some creative ideas people are using for merch stores and help us be creative in our own merch store set-ups. Plus we will talk about lots of other screen printing and decorators topics too as Matt is a wealth of knowledge.

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Our regular listeners know this, but 2 Regular Guys are all about garment decorating, a bit of fun, and no rants or lectures or selling. We are not doing this for our employers, but rather for our industry. Since February 2013, The 2 Regular Guys have been the first and the most listened to garment decorating industry podcast on this planet! We are humbled by all of you tuning in each week. We work hard to bring you information that will make your business better, and our industry better. Take a look at our incredible weekly guest list and you’ll understand where this industry goes for news, interviews and the heartbeat of garment decorating. Thanks for listening!
News * Decorators Community Party Revamp - October 16, 2020* Regulators Shirt Design / OSG Shirt Check out the latest 2 Regular Guys OSG Inspired Garments you can wear with pride!* No new updates for trade shows in 2021, so according to the schedule Long Beach Impressions Expo is still January 22-24. We will update you as we get new information.Dad Joke: from Allie Banholzer -  There are three tomatoes out for a walk. Daddy, mommy and baby. Baby keeps falling behind. Mom and Dad are frustrated. They keep telling baby tomato to hurry up hurry up. Finally daddy tomato gets angry, walks back, stomps on baby tomato and says - KETCH-UP!
Merch Store Ideas Terry: Matt Marcotte who is with Printavo and you can also find him at marcotte.ink. Welcome to the show.Aaron: What makes a ‘merch’ store different than the usual custom decoration eCommerce store?Terry: With so many people ordering everything online, it’s almost a given that more decorators want to set up some kind of online presence for their clients; Why are client-specific merch stores a good way to go?Aaron: Who are the usual, or the ‘best fit’ customers for whom you’d want to build an online merch store? Terry: How should decorators approach selecting garments/products for merch stores?Aaron: Should decorators charge customers for setting up or operating merch stores? What the pros and cons of offering them as a ‘value added’ service?Terry: How involved should decorators expect to be in promoting the use of the store? What kind of strategies can help a merch store gain traction?Aaron: What are some common mistakes most decorators make when they are first creating merch stores?Terry: What kind of tools are available to make creating merch stores easier?Aaron: Where can our listeners find out more about what you are doing with Printavo?
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