Podcast Review Show – Get Your Podcast Reviewed

Podcast Review Show – Get Your Podcast Reviewed

Readily Random Podcast

February 02, 2020


Random is a podcast hosted by Larry Roberts featuring a RANDOM selection of interesting and insightful interviews with Motivators, Entrepreneurs, Survivors, Athletes, Podcasters, Bloggers and More! The goal is to READILY remind each listener through stories of success, recovery, and inspiration that you too can be larger than life!

Find the show at www.readilyrandom.com

What We Liked

  • Great energy out of the gate
  • Great audio
  • Great passion
  • A clean website with great graphics
  • Great job covering when uncontrollable circumstances arrive
  • Fun music.

What Needs to be Tweaked

  • The show needs an intro that describes what it's about and who it's for. Then describe what is on the episode in a way that makes people want to keep listening.
  • There is quite a lot of “group talk” such as “Hey everybody.” Talk to ONE person to boost the intimate feel of podcasting.
  • Be sure to mention whatever people are there to plug upfront and set the stage so people know where we are headed.
  • While many podcasters don't share enough, at one point the interview flipped and she was interviewing you as we had taken a fairly long tangent. We LOVE your personality. Share that on your “10 minutes with” episodes, and make interviews where the guest shines.
  • Add a call to action even if it is “tell a friend” and let people know where they can find more information about you and your guest.
  • You can share about yourself in regards as to why YOU are excited about (reason) the guest is on today. This shows you did some homework while allowing people to get a glimpse into you.
  • Be careful getting too random. Make sure there is a common theme amongst your guests.

Find Us

Find Dave at www.schoolofpodcasting.com
Find Erik at www.podcasttalentcoach.com
Find Larry at www.readilyrandom.com

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