Podcast Review Show – Get Your Podcast Reviewed

Podcast Review Show – Get Your Podcast Reviewed

Caregiving For Dementia

May 13, 2018

Description of Show

The show is about the Delaney Family and living with someone with dementia. My mother has had dementia for two years now and I ‘m hoping that this podcast will help someone who's in the some situation. Also, I talk about my feeling on a lot of things like religion, politics, and there may even be a lot electronics.
So basically the shows is a little bet of everything that we do and get into as a Family. Check out the show at https://babymountainradio.com/

What We Found Michael Was Doing Well

Started off the show with a story and got to the story quickly

The stream of consciousness of the show.

The listeners feel the emotion and frustration.

Transparency of “I don't know all the answers.”

Nice call back at the end

Things that Need Tweaked

The opening line of where podcasting’s hard work made fun is a bit confusing.

Maybe explain more what the show is about and what is in it for the listener.

I don’t see where I leave you a comment. Is it just on the “contact us” page?

The website is somewhat hard to read and the links get lost in the background

You are publishing at a very high bit rate, and that makes the file download slower and take up more room on people's devices.

Check out the show at https://babymountainradio.com/

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