

Episode 6: Activate in 2020!

August 24, 2020

Part 1: Why Act?

Part 2: What Can One Person Do?

Part 3: They Go Low. We Go High?? (How Can We Do That Effectively?)

Intro: elections do make a difference, as we’ve seen from having an incompetent leader. In Part 1 we discuss the need for an active and informed citizenry, how media literacy plays a role, and the need for stopping narrowly focused factions from taking over in elections. In Part 2, we run through many actions that people can take to help candidates this election season. In Part 3 we discuss the need to balance positivity (lifting up a preferred candidate) with negativity (pointing out when candidates lack experience, judgment, etc.) , particularly as it relates to qualifications needed to be a public servant.

actions – take them!

* vote* donate* volunteer* post on social media* host a virtual house party* phone bank for a candidate* help turn ballots in for people* put up yard signs for candidates* use your skills… music, web design, etc* research candidates and share what you learn* talk with friends, family, neighbors about candidates and issues


voter registration – Oregon


media literacy

Episode 4 : Media Literacy

DNC – speeches


Oregon – campaign finance (ORESTAR)


Russian Interference in 2016


USPS mail machines – removed in battleground states

USPS ordered to remove 671 mail sorting machines under DeJoy:59 in Florida58 in Texas34 in Ohio30 in Pennsylvania 26 in Michigan15 in North Carolina12 in Virginia12 in Wisconsin 11 in GeorgiaHe just said removed machines won’t be reinstalled. This is major crisis— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) August 21, 2020

Lindsey Berschauer – testimony at County Commissioner meeting re: white privilege



“Inspirational Outlook” by scottholmesmusic.com

“Stomps and Claps” by scottholmesmusic.com

“Indie Rock” by scottholmesmusic.com

“Upbeat Party” by scottholmesmusic.com

“The Final Journey Home” by scottholmesmusic.com