WSU Wheat Beat Podcast
Latest Episodes
The next generation of falling numbers techology with Anna Carroll
WSU graduate student Anna Carroll joins the Wheat…
From Field to Flour: The hows and whys of certified seed with WSCIA
The Washington State Crop Improvement Association
Digging Into the Effects of Biosolids on Eastern Washington Soils with Dr. Deirdre Griffin LaHue
This episode digs into the use of biosolids as a
The significance of fungicide alternatives in winter wheat production with Aaron Esser
WSU Extension's Aaron Esser shares results from a
Cold tolerance, spring growth, and their impact on winter wheat yield with Adele Jamalzei
WSU Ph.D. student Adele Jamalzei discusses resear
Researching herbicide tolerance in winter wheat breeding with Melinda Zubrod
Ph.D. student Melinda Zubrod joins the Wheat Beat
Introducing Dr. Olivia Landau, a new USDA-ARS weed scientist
This episode introduces Dr. Olivia Landau, a new
Building a new alpha amylase test with Adam Johnson
In this episode, Drew Lyon talks with Adam Johnso
Mapping It Out: Soil Acidity, Lime Requirements, and Herbicide Resistance with Dr. Joaquin Casanova
Dr. Joaquin Casanova joins the Wheat Beat Podcast
Crossing the Boundaries of Herbicide Resistance with Drs. Ian Burke and Nick Bergmann
Drs. Ian Burke and Nick Bergmann join the Wheat B