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Episode 60 - Creating Your Own Writing Nook (with Ally Deatherage)

March 12, 2021


Every writer needs a place where they can write in peace and quiet, otherwise, all the noise and distractions can stem the flow of creativity. Of course, it’s not always easy finding a quiet, peaceful space inside your home, especially if you have little ones, live with your parents, or in a dorm or apartment. But where there is a will, there is a way. And this week, I’ve brought the go-to gal when it comes to organization and enhancing your space on the show so we can discuss why you need a sacred writing nook, as well as where and how you can create one, even on a budget and even if space is limited. It just takes a little creativity. And as writers, we have creativity on reserve.

In this episode, you will:

· Learn why it’s important to create your very own writing space/nook

· Learn where you can set up a writing nook, even in small spaces

· Learn some of the best home office products to enhance your space

· Learn ways to organize and make your writing space most productive

Hosts & Guests

Host – Christina Kaye

Guest Host – Author Ally Deatherage

To learn more about Ally’s book on organization:

Shop for Essentials/Supplies for Your Writing Nook:

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Online Writing Course - Best Book Method: How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Book