Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Coffee Break 028: David Galef
January 11, 2017

Novels, poetry, short stories... if you can name it, David has probably written it. In this fantastic episode, we're talking about the power of brevity, compartmentalizing your life, & more.

What I Learned From Writing A Book In 1 Week - WNP 049
January 08, 2017

Get the 10 invaluable writing lessons I learned while writing a book in one week. (That's right: ONE WEEK.)

Coffee Break 027: Jocelyn K. Glei
December 19, 2016

Creativity expert-turned-full-time writer Jocelyn K. Glei & I talk about the balance between business and creativity, distraction, and so much more!

Coffee Break 026: Patrick Hicks
December 07, 2016

"Whatever scares you to write... that's what you should be writing." I talk with author Patrick Hicks about how to see the world through a writer's eyes, how traveling can change the way you write, how to deal with fear, and more.

Coffee Break 025: Fauzia Burke
November 28, 2016

Fauzia and I talk about the NY book publishing bubble, the joys of self-publishing, social media marketing, taking risks, and more!

Coffee Break 024: Ginny Carter
November 15, 2016

Ginny "The Authormaker" Carter and I have a lovely conversation for you about the nonfiction book-writing process, different modes of publication, and Ginny's favorite aspect of being a writing coach.

30 Tips for 30 Days of NaNoWriMo
November 02, 2016

From turning off your phone to staving off fear and/or hunger, this episode of the Write Now podcast is here to help you write through NaNoWriMo.

Coffee Break 023: Kevin T. Johns
October 20, 2016

Fellow writer, podcaster, ghostwriter, and writing coach Kevin T. Johns and I have a great (and honest) conversation about making the most of our time as busy writers.

Coffee Break 022: Honoree Corder
October 13, 2016

Honorée is a speaker, business coach, writing coach, and Writer with a capital W. She is also a smart, successful entrepreneur who has published 20 books and knows what it takes to sell them.

What They Didn't Teach You In School - WN 047
October 05, 2016

We learned a lot of great things in school. But our educational system isn't perfect, and there are some things we should have learned about writing (and life) that we didn't. All of those (and more!) in this week's episode!