A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

A podcast about work, the future and how they will go together

Episode 77: How Will the Awareness of ESG Impact the Future of Work?

June 22, 2022

What do concerns about ESG mean for the future of work? The pandemic aside though, we have a building awareness of what is going on in terms of environmental change in general, and a building awareness of ESG Investing. ESG-of course being the acronym for Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance, the three broad categories, or areas, of interest for what is termed “socially responsible investors.  At the same time, we are building a new workplace, changing the rules around work and the decisions we make about it now are going to impact on our economy and our society and our environment for years to come.To discuss what the fallout of the trends will be on work and workers,, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by  Shankar Raman Senior Director, Global Leader Technology Industry Group at Willis Towers Watson. They talk about the implications of hybrid work, the growing corporate awareness of controlling their carbon footprint and the potential impact on equity and attracting talent of the new workplace, now and in the future.