Wish uPOD a Star

Wish uPOD a Star

Latest Episodes

Episode 28: Make Mine Music Part Two
April 21, 2019

It’s time to finish up Make Mine Music with three more songs.  We discuss “Casey (The Pride of Them All),” “Two Silhouettes,” and “Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet.”  Plus discussion of Peter and the Wolf and a strange short about an operatic marine...

Episode 27: Make Mine Music Part One
March 04, 2019

It’s THREE SONGS for the price of one!  In which we discuss the songs “Make Mine Music,” “Blue Bayou,” and “All the Cats Join In.”  It’s another doozy of a package film! Watch/Listen to the song before you listen: Make Mine Music: https://www.youtube.

Episode 26.5: Brazil in Disney Films
February 14, 2019

Frodo the Lawyer is joined by new guest Rico Screpka to discuss the portrayal of Brazil in the movies Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros.  We discuss the music and food of Brazil, and also ponder Donald Duck’s perpetual horniness.

Episode 26: Mexico
February 10, 2019

Our next film is The Three Caballeros, which features one fully original song….”Mexico”??  But don’t worry, we also discuss the more well known ditty: “The Three Caballeros.” Watch/Listen to the song before you listen: Youtube: https://www.youtube.

Episode 25: Saludos Amigos
January 14, 2019

We discuss the movie Saludos Amigos and it’s Oscar-nominated song . . . Saludos Amigos!  It’s our first of the package films and it’s . . . surprisingly okay?  Featuring Amanda and Frodo trying to learn Portuguese pronunciations.

Live Show: Ranking the Songs of High School Musical
November 26, 2018

Amanda and Frodo met up in the real world to give you some sweet, sweet discussion of the songs of High School Musical.  Recorded in front of a LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE. Featuring Special Appearances from Paul Jackson, Tori Batt, and Andrew Redacted.

Episode 24: Looking For Romance (I Bring You a Song)
November 09, 2018

Can you feel the love tonight?  Bambi and his pals get twitterpated and then have to fight off Man.  Amanda and Frodo are here to discuss it all. Watch/Listen to the song before you listen: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Episode 23: Let’s Sing a Gay Little Spring Song
November 01, 2018

Love is in the air! But also…we discuss where Disney moms go when they die, and why it’s definitely Las Vegas. Watch/Listen to the song before you listen: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9FXdLcrkss Spotify: https://open.spotify.

Episode 22: Little April Shower
September 10, 2018

In which we are joined by animal expert Sam Dean, @samdeanscience.  Plus, Amanda reveals her secret world-class talent. Watch/Listen to the song before you listen: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-FUcrQhTBY Spotify: https://open.spotify.

Episode 21: Love is a Song (Featuring Disney Idol Part 3)
September 03, 2018

Amanda and Frodo take on Bambi and notice that its surprisingly similar to another Disney animal movie. Then Frodo and Mel B finish up our Disney Idol discussion of Snow White and Pinocchio. Watch/L