Wisdom Calls
Latest Episodes
Revelation 22: The Final Chapter, a New Beginning
For your Free End Times Masterclass, simply register your email at www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and the link for the Masterclass will be emailed to you!
Revelation 21: The New Heaven and New Earth
For your Free End Times Masterclass, simply register your email at www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and the link for the Masterclass will be emailed to you!
Revelation 20: Satan Bound
What happens to Satan after his defeat at Armageddon? Find out in this podcast of Revelation 20! For your Free End Times Masterclass, simply register your email at www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and the link for the Masterclass will be emailed to you.
Revelation 19: The Marriage Supper and Armageddon
What does the Marriage Supper of the Lamb have to do with the battle of Armageddon? Find out in Revelation 19. To get your FREE End TImes masterclass or to watch any of these podcasts in video form, go to www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and enter you.
Revelation 18: Babylon Has Fallen!
What is the judgement for Babylon the Great? And how does this help us identify her? Find out all this and more in this podcast! For your FREE End Times Masterclass simply go to www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and enter your email address. A link to y.
Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon
Who is Mystery Babylon? Find out the clues to her identity in this podcast! www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com Visit our website and enter your email to claim your FREE End Times Masterclass!
Revelation 16: What Your Pastor Never Told You About the End Times
This is Part 3 of our Wrath of God series. To watch the video version go to www.YouTube.com/c/WisdomCalls To claim your FREE End Times Master Class enter your email address at www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com
Revelation 15: What Your Pastor Never Told You About the End Times
Revelation 15: The Wrath of God Part 2 To watch the video version visit www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com Also, visit the above website and enter your email to receive a FREE 8 Video End Times Masterclass!
Revelation 14: What Your Pastor Never Told You about the Tribulation, the Rapture, and the Mark of the Beast
For a FREE End Times Masterclass visit www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.com and go to "Free Stuff". This podcast is also available in video form on Youtube at the Wisdom Calls Channel. In this chapter we cover what your pastor never told you about the Tri.
Revelation 13: What Your Pastor Never Told You About the Tribulation, the Antichrist, & Mark 666
What you need to know about the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast!For a FREE End TImes Masterclass go to www.WhatYourPastorNeverToldYou.comand click on Free Stuff!This podcast is also available in video format on Youtube at the Wisd