Winter Is Here with The A.V. Club

Winter Is Here with The A.V. Club

Latest Episodes

Ep 6: Our Watch Is Ended
May 20, 2019

The ash has settled and new dawn rises over Westeros. The A.V. Club gives our final thoughts on this season of Game Of Thrones, how "The Iron Throne" did and did not work for us, and who the real winner of this whole game was. (It's Sansa.) Senior Writer

Ep 5: Mad Queens
May 13, 2019

Katie Rife and Caity PenzeyMoog are a couple of mad queens themselves as they discuss Daenerys’ sacking of King’s Landing and offer predictions for the final episode.

Ep 4: “Daenerys’ Cup Runneth Over”
May 06, 2019

We discuss the goodbyes at Winterfell, the many giant crossbows of King’s Landing, and one infamously sloppy piece of set dressing.

Ep 3: "Long Night’” is dark and full of terrors
April 29, 2019

We discuss the cinematic qualities of “The Long Night,” whether that battle lighting was intentional, and who lived and who died in the Battle of Winterfell.

Ep 2: Winterfell’s Pre-Battle Kegger
April 23, 2019

This week in Winter is Here with The A.V. Club we discuss how Arya can get it, Tormund is too good for this world, and whether it’s really a good idea to put Winterfell’s children in the crypts.

Ep 1: How Season 8’s Premiere Mirrors Game Of Thrones’ Very First Episode
April 19, 2019

Body parts, Winterfell, Jaime and Bran: We dive into the many parallels between season eight’s premiere and the pilot episode of Game Of Thrones.

Introducing Winter is Here with The A.V. Club
April 19, 2019

Join us as we break down the final season of Game Of Thrones on our new podcast, Winter Is Here with The A.V. Club. Weve got recaps, analysis, dragon puns, and everything else you need to get through the winter.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit p