What's Your Edge?

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Strategies to Overcome Three Barriers to Revenue Growth | What’s Your Edge?
Explore this episode of "Whats Your Edge?" where Laura Patterson and guest Heather Valentine delve into strategies for overcoming three barriers to revenue growth. Learn how to leverage operational e
4 Critical Steps to Keep Your Product from Being Obliterated | What’s Your Edge?
Gone in a flash! That can happen when the tide topples a sandcastle or product development fails to consider value proposition, messaging, positioning, and operational excellence prior to launch. Lear
5 Best Practices to Grow an Extraordinary, Customer-Centric Business
Like a forest, your business must be carefully seeded and watered to ensure long-term growth. Are you employing these five best practicesfocusing on innovation, operational excellence, performance
How to Withstand Business Challenges and Thrive with 3 Essential Elements | What’s Your Edge?
No business is immune from the crucible of challenges but history has shown that focusing on strategic decision-making fueled by data-driven insights, advantageous excellence, and stellar performance
Light Up Customer-Centricity with Powerful Behavioral Data | What’s Your Edge?
The value of capturing customer behavioral data cannot be understated, since the insights uncovered will light the way forward toward becoming a company focused on customer-centricity. Get examples of
Value Proposition Measures that Bridge Business and Customer Value | What’s Your Edge?
Customer-centric value propositions articulate the benefits and solutions a customer can expect from engaging with the business, distinguishing it from direct and indirect competitors. But how can you
How to Validate Your Messaging and Positioning to Vet Your Story | What’s Your Edge?
Customer and prospect validation is the not-so-secret sauce that can give you added confidence to unveil your businesss positioning and marketing to the world. Learn the 6 steps for conducting and us
5 Ways to Achieve Growth Even When Swimming Against the Current
Pursue business growth even though you may feel like you are swimming against the tide. Empower your business to not only survive but thrive by aligning strategies, optimizing operations, and fosterin
How BODs Can Architect Better Strategic Customer-Centric Designs | What’s Your Edge
Customer Success, coined in the early 2000s, is more than a buzzwordit embodies customer-centricity. Why its rapid expansion? It's not just a growth strategy; it's THE primary strategy for value and
How to Fit the AI Tile into the Innovation Mosaic | What’s Your Edge?
The collaboration between human creativity and AI forms a masterpiece in the making, a sum greater than the parts. As we navigate this evolving landscape, together with AI we can take creativity, imag