Podcast – League of Education Voters

Podcast – League of Education Voters

Latest Episodes

LEV Interviews Washington state Teachers of the Year
December 10, 2016

League of Education Voters Communications Director Arik Korman asked current and former Regional Teachers of the Year about their teaching philosophy, their greatest accomplishment in the classroom, and how they would prioritize education spending in Wash

Education Advocate December 2016
December 06, 2016

Greetings Chris Korsmo, CEO Now that the election is officially in the rear window, we can focus on creating better opportunities for each of our kids to succeed. Join our free Lunchtime LEVinar December 20th to learn what we can expect in the upcoming le

LEV Interviews Rep. Ruth Kagi, Early Learning Champion
November 18, 2016

League of Education Voters Communications Director Arik Korman enjoyed a wonderful conversation with Rep. Ruth Kagi (D-32) about the politics of early learning, the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Children and Families, and why she decided to

Education Advocate October 2016
October 04, 2016

Greetings Chris Korsmo, CEO Fall is definitely upon us. Our kids are back in school, the M’s season (sadly) is over, and football is well under way. It’s hard to believe that the election happens a short five weeks from today. I feel like the

Listen to the Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidates in Their Own Words
September 21, 2016

The League of Education Voters interviewed both candidates for Washington state Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Listen to Erin Jones HERE Listen to Chris Reykdal HERE Note: The League of Education Voters did not promote or endorse either cand

LEV interviews Angela Duckworth, author of GRIT
May 23, 2016

LEV Communications Director Arik Korman interviews University of Pennsylvania Psychologist Angela Duckworth about her new book, GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.  Dr. Duckworth talks about how grit cuts across cultures, how it can impact educ

Podcast: The act of apology in student discipline
June 21, 2012

Editor’s note: Please scroll to the bottom of the post to listen to the podcast. As we delve deeper into the issue of student discipline in schools, one thing has become increasingly clear — students succeed when they come from a learning environm

What Can I Do?: Be a spokesperson for those with low-literacy
January 23, 2012

Ruth Anderson, chair of the Tacoma Literacy Council, is on two missions: 1) teach the 20 – 25% of adults who can't read how to read and 2) be a spokesperson for that silent segment of people who cannot read and write. Ruth says, “I don't think t

Charter school parent: “It’s about what’s best for our children”
January 18, 2012

California parents with children in public charter schools shared their stories during a conference call today of how these schools have impacted their lives. Listen to the podcast or browse the transcript. (Note: This is a rough transcript of the conver

What Can I Do?: Support students and parents with the truth about student achievement
January 16, 2012

Thea Alongi is the mother of a 14-year-old daughter in Tacoma Public Schools and the Treasurer of the Tacoma Council PTA. Concerned about her daughter's lack of progress in math, Thea is taking her daughter to extra tutoring in the subject. She discusses