What Just Happened?!? Surviving the Family Court

What Just Happened?!? Surviving the Family Court

Latest Episodes

Episode 17: Rant on Restraining Orders!
February 12, 2020

What Just Happened: Surviving the Family Court takes a deep breath and rants against the current misuse of the RI restraining order system

How to Properly Film Out That Awful Financial Form
February 08, 2020

The question I’m asked more often than any other when a party is filing a pleading to the Rhode Island family court is the right way to fill out the 10 page financial form. I have recorded this podcast in hopes of helping people with just that task

Episode 15: I want to move! I need to move?
April 07, 2019

How to approach the hated child relocation question

Episode 14: Oh, You Have Text Messages?
September 01, 2018

Use of digital evidence in child custody cases

Episode 12
August 31, 2018

What happens if I don’t like my attorney?

Maybe I lied in my deposition but it isn’t my fault
August 30, 2018

What is a deposition and how is it properly used to my benefit?

Child Relocation Case Law
December 22, 2017

What factors the judge will (and won’t consider before ruling whether your child can move out of state

What Just Happened?! Ep. 13
December 21, 2017

When to consider counseling

Oh, brother, where art thou?
November 19, 2017

What Just Happened?! Surviving the Family Court Episode 12