WellSeekers with Lucia

WellSeekers with Lucia

The Massage Technique You Don’t Know & NEED To: For Chronic Pain & Emotional Distress

July 30, 2018

We all know that massage can help reduce physical stress, but did you also know that it can help with emotional pain as well? And ONE technique specifically is changing and healing chronic pain and emotional wounds in patients worldwide.

Myofascial release is a massage technique that claims to not only help with chronic physical pain, but targets emotional pain and trauma that may be causing physical distress. What is this technique? Who can benefit from it? And how can you give it to yourself you can't get a massage?

Join Lucia & Licensed Massage Therapist, Zeke Spooner, to find out more about what this MUST KNOW technique is and how it can heal emotional as well as physical pain in patients.

* SHOW NOTE: Zeke amended part of this interview after the recording and editing of the segment. Please note that according to the National Library of Medicine there are 650+ muscles in the body, not 518, like mentioned. *

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