Wealth of Marriage - A Catholic Couple's Journey
Latest Episodes
Ep.78: Sex: The Nuptial Embrace
In this episode (not for small ears), we talk about the nuptial embrace aka the conjugal act aka marital love aka SEX!
Ep.77: Strong in the Ground
We recorded this episode a while ago, but I remember thinking that I wanted to name it after a Veggie Tales episode…see if you can find the connection – I have no idea where it is in the episode! We discuss a range of things in this one…enjoy!
Ep.76: Smorgasbord
It’s been a while and we have a lot to talk about…very stream of conscience, so bear with us – hopefully we’re entertaining!
Ep.75: To Infinity and Beyond
We went to Disney! The best place for family vacations, yes? Family is an important endeavor for us. And the more we think about planting our family tree’s roots deep into the Earth, the more we realize how much values and beliefs matter. And HB!
Ep.74: Train Up a Child
We’ve been learning a lot about discipline and talking over what it will look like and mean in our family. We discuss how practicing discipline reveals and solidifies deeper values for us and our children. “Train up a child in the way he should go,
Ep.73: Be a Stay-at-Home Mom
In this episode, we discuss all things stay-at-home mom: what the culture tells us about this supremely good calling and how we react. As always, we are constantly learning and invite you to join us on the journey.
Ep. 72: To Wean or Not To Wean?
Don’t let the title of this episode turn you away! We try to get to the root of a marital/parenting debate we’ve had going on for a while now. Also – we’re going to the happiest place on earth! We talk a little about debt-free living and vacations!
Ep. 71: Rules for Life
Megan is inspired to transform her daily life as a stay-at-home wife and mother. Rules, schedules, order…boring and too rigid? Or tools to help you flourish in your vocation? Happy listening and here’s to hoping you’ll be encouraged too!
Ep. 70 Free College for All!
Sounds like a great thing, right? We’re not convinced…and after learning more about this popular political promise, we share some of the major implications of free college. Sorry to be a buzz kill…
Ep.69: Epic (Failure) Holiday Weekend
We had grand plans for Memorial Day weekend, but learned some parenting lessons instead. Newsflash: you can’t live like you don’t have kids when you have kids. And we wouldn’t want it any other way! And BONUS: Michael shares a solo recording from when ...