The Worldbuilder's Tavern

The Worldbuilder's Tavern

2.02 Traveling to Another Galaxy

October 20, 2021

Show Hosts: Kyle, Emma, and Allison.
Today's Trope: Characters need to get to another galaxy, because reasons! Often that reason is that the planet is dying. Either humans have destroyed it, a giant asteroid hit the surface, or some other cataclysmic event occurred. Earth can no longer sustain life, and its people must find another world, in another galaxy, to inhabit. But how do they get there? This depends on the science of space travel! Hyperdrives, jump drives, warp drives, wormholes, generation ships, and cryo-travel are common methods of transporting people long distances in science fiction.
Stories Covered: Lost in Space (cryosleep), Battlestar Galactica (jump drive), The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers (wormholes)
Produced by Mythos & Ink.
Announcement Music: “Coffee Beats” by Aaron Parsons (used with permission).