Warped Philosophy (formerly History of Beer)
Latest Episodes
Gun Violence and Gun Control!
Get your email accounts fired up and send the hate mail! This time I give my thoughts and positions on gun violence and gun control. It's actually pretty tame, but I'll let you be the judge. As always, send questions, comments and show ideas to warpedphi.
LGBTQ Rights and Issues
So this is just a small dive into the world that is LGBTQ rights and issues. Mainly want to get the conversation started. If you have questions or comments, send them to warpedphilosophy@gmail.com Also, visit warpedphilosophy.podbean.com and support th.
Warped Philosophy-Episode 1-New Year's Resolutions
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the new format! Today I ease into the show with my personal feelings on New Year's Resolutions. What are your opinions on them? Does anyone agree with my sentiments? If not, where do you think I am wrong? Send me feedback a.
New Channel Introduction - Warped Philosophy!
Hey everyone. I've been gone for a while, but I'm back with a new format. This channel will look at topics that are unpopular or controversial, with a bit of a twisted perspective. I will also find bullshit to rant about from time to time. If you have id.
Porter with John Huhn
Sorry for the delay in posting a new episode. Been taking a little break, but I'm back. This time, we take a look at porter with John Huhn, winner of the Springfield Brewing Company Pro-Am competition. It should be a great time, so check it out. If you w.
Sorry, but...Missouri River 340!
Sorry I haven't published an episode recently, but I've been prepping for this crazy 340 mile canoe race. Follow us on raceowl.com and find our boat number (1369) to track our progress!
Lambic with Chris Becker and Keith Wallis!
This time we talk about Lambic and Gueze with Chris Becker and surprise guest Keith Wallis! Lots of good sour beers with excellent information from Chris. Enjoy! As always, if you have any questions, comments, or show ideas, feel free to email me at hist.
I'm on Patreon!
I'm on Patreon now, so check out the page and support if you like the show and feel that I am worthy! Cheers! https://www.patreon.com/historyofbeer I also have a Facebook page you can check out to connect with me and get updates on the show and any oth.
Pilsner with Keith Wallis and Big Dale Tucker!
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay in posting this episode. My laptop has been acting funny lately and messing with my ability to edit and post this episode. Hopefully I won't have issues in the future, but if I do this laptop might get set on fire! Well .
Pale Ale with Keith Wallis!
This time I am graced with the presence of Keith Wallace, brewer of the 585 ESB and awesome homebrewer. We had an awesome time talking about pale and beer in general. Be ready for some tangents! If you want to follow us in the beer style guidlines, go to.