Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys #8 – Dealing With Stress

January 12, 2016


I wanted to talk today about how stress effects the nervous system. I spoke with three different individuals today and they all mentioned being off or having a loved one feeling off.

All of them had been experiencing unfounded fears or even paranoia, some sort of internal disruption.

In our human evolutionary process we are forced to evolve. The earth is also going through changes and the energy that is causing change is forcing everyone to be effected.

Our body's nervous system is trying to put all of these energies in places that are usable and definable and effective. The nervous system is trying to put all of these energies in a place that is usable and definable and effective.

When we our receiving more energy or energy that is at a higher frequency than our body is familiar with, it usually takes time for our body to acclimate. Mental illness can be more prevalent during times of extreme energy and it will only increase.

Be aware, be connected. Slow down, be kind to yourself. Reduce the amount of information you're taking in. If you slow down and breath you will give your body a chance to compute. It will keep you centered.

People are losing it all over the world, mass shootings at schools and rampages. They are all happening because people can't process the amount and frequency of energy. This energy is activating a stress gene in humans.

You may even notice mini versions of these breakdowns in your own life. The following can help in dealing with the stress.

Eat cleanly, eliminate things high in sugar and minimize carbohydrates.
Dance Furiously
Exercise - You'll have more energy
Try homeopathic remedies

This continued transformation is a life altering gift.

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