Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys #7 – Stress Expands The Brain

January 04, 2016

Are ready to go beyond where your mind knows to go?

You've probably noticed that we are being inundated with so much information these days. From TV, internet on your phones, desktops, lap tops, watches the list goes on. We are trying to process so much information all at once these days that it can be difficult to keep things straight.

But there is a purpose to having all of this information thrown at us at one time. You would think our minds can't process this much information. What is happening is actually perfect.  This information is allowing our minds to stretch and expand.

We are activating every aspect of our brains on a cellular level and increasing it's capacity. We are actually opening up new neural pathways inside the brain.

You will find over time that people will be able to do more with the information they have. The brain is being used at a greater capacity. The way in which we process information is changing and allowing us to invent new and extraordinary things.

This expansiveness will be visible to all and it's effects will be measurable. If you accept this you will be able to take advantage of The New You, The New Memory and  The Increased Cognitive Ability that is occurring!

If you want to here more about what I can offer, you can find me at:
