Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys #4 – Create Your Life Plan With New Energies

November 13, 2015

 Sept. 28, 2015
Create Your Life Plan
Energy Update: We hope you were able to observe the supermoon and the lunar eclipse. We are now in a Mercury retrograde.  I'm going to help you create your life plan to integrate with these times.

The energies present are conducive to a complete transformation for each and everyone of us. There is an energy portal open allowing energy to let you choose whatever life you desire. You can create the life plan you desire.

All of us are able and capable to choose what we want our Life to be like.

Think about and envision how your life would be like with no restrictions.
Life Changing Exercise
I suggest you perform a technique called scripting,

You begin by writing down a list of everything you would like to have in your life. How would your life look with more money than you could spend or give away? How would your relationships work? How would you look and feel physically? How would your social calendar work? Would your family relationships be better?
Create a story of your life using your dreams. Write it as if you were telling your best friend that you had not seen for some time, how you are living your dream and what it feels like.
Express gratitude for the things you have and write down what you feel. You my find some dark thoughts and feelings creep up. Observe them and let them go.
Become the Observer of your Life. Observe the negative and don't attach it to anything. Let it come and let it go.

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