Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

“Waking UP With Esateys” Podcast #1 – Profound Energies on the Planet

October 19, 2015

Today's Topic: Profound Energies Are Upon Us.

If you've been strange lately there is a good reason. You're feeling symptoms of the influx of unprecedented energy on the planet. There are always power and profound energies surrounding us as we evolve in life.  A new fluctuation started in July of 2015 and will increase again towards the end of September, and continue from there.

You may have felt tired when you're well rested or you forget small things or maybe realize that you did not know where you were for a split second. Some feel extremely excited, like they have a purpose when they've never had that awareness before.

The energies that are increasing will affect everyone and everything on the planet and will make a significant change in our society, even our DNA is about to shift.

It is extremely important that you become attuned to these energies.  When you have this awareness, certain receptors will turn on, which will allow your life to change in so many positive ways.

You can change your habit patterns to to take full advantage of these energies. Don't get caught in the low vibrations of life that continually keep you off balance. Keep yourself centered. There is always an inner battle going on between old and new habits this struggle actually leads to growth.

With this growth you will find yourself more present in your surroundings. Colors will be more vibrant, smells will be stronger.  You can choose to perceive life in a whole new way.

There is no coincidence that world leaders are meeting, the Pope is traveling and great thinkers and visionaries are meeting and moving the world. They are all responding to these increased energies.

It is a very exciting time to be alive. Stay Awake, Aware and Enjoy the Ride and Adventure of Life!

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