VoxTalks Economics

VoxTalks Economics

Latest Episodes

S6 Ep9: Building a resilient vaccine supply chain
March 24, 2023

What have we learned about how to create, manufacture, and distribute a new vaccine? Can countries cooperate to create a responsive and resilient supply chain if history repeats itself, and should the WTO have a role? Chad Bown talks to Tim Phillips.

S6 Ep8: Applying economics (not gut feel) to ESG
March 17, 2023

Every CEO, investor, and NGO needs an ESG strategy, and they need it now. But is that urgency making smart people ignore established insights from decades of economic research? Alex Edmans has identified 10 ways in which conventional ESG wisdom might be

S6 Ep7: AI is reshaping economic research
March 10, 2023

Weve reached a moment at which large language models like ChatGPT have clearly become useful, but for what exactly? Anton Korinek has discovered at least 25 ways in which economics researchers can use them today. He explains to Tim Phillips about how the

S6 Ep6: Powerful forces are reshaping global trade
March 03, 2023

Firms have discovered that global value chains are not as resilient as we assumed. They are reorganising these value chains and re-evaluating their approach to globalisation but are the solutions they are considering worse than the problems themselves?

S6 Ep5: Fair pay for CEOs!
February 24, 2023

What motivates CEOs? Do they want to be fabulously rich or are they looking for a fair reward for their achievements? And, if fairness really does matter to them, how do you structure their contracts? Pierre Chaigneau talks to Tim Phillips about how to ke

S6 Ep4: Do cultural stereotypes influence bank investment?
February 17, 2023

We know that national stereotypes influence all sorts of personal decisions, but could they determine whether one countrys banks hold another countrys sovereign debt? Amazingly, Orkun Saka tells Tim Phillips, the answer might actually be yes.

S6 Ep3: Rebuilding Ukraine’s labour market
February 10, 2023

Russias war on Ukraine hasnt just destroyed buildings and lives, it has put thousands of people out of work and denied thousands more an education. After the war, how can Ukraine rebuild its labour market? Tito Boeri tells Tim Phillips about how other c

S6 Ep2: Slavery and the industrial revolution
February 03, 2023

Did slaveholding accelerate the industrial revolution in Britain? This controversial theory was first argued by Eric Williams almost 80 years ago but has lacked strong supporting evidence until now. Stephan Heblich and Joachim Voth talk to Tim Phillips.

S6 Ep1: Who pays for your credit card rewards?
January 20, 2023

Credit cards that offer cashback or rewards are increasingly popular. Are you doing better or worse as a result? And how big is the financial difference between all the winners and losers? Andrea Presbitero knows and the amount, he tells Tim Phillips, is

S5 Ep54: Understanding US inflation
December 09, 2022

Can we explain what happened to inflation in the US in 2022, and what will happen next? Larry Ball and Daniel Leigh tell Tim Phillips why it stayed high and when it may fall.