VoxTalks Economics

VoxTalks Economics

Latest Episodes

S5 Ep53: Do content moderation laws work?
December 02, 2022

Germanys NetzDG Law has given social media companies the responsibility for removing toxic content from their platforms. Can a law to mandate content moderation curb hate speech and, if it does, does that have an impact in the offline world? Carlo Schwar

S5 Ep52: How empires rise, and how they fall
November 25, 2022

In the industrial age many new empires quickly rose and eventually fell. Kerem Cosar and Roberto Bonfatti tell Tim Phillips how important shifting patterns of trade have been in this process.

S5 Ep51: The great carbon arbitrage
November 18, 2022

What is the net benefit of phasing out coal and replacing it with renewables? $85 trillion, according to a new calculation. Alissa Kleinnijenhuis and Patrick Bolton tell Tim Phillips how they estimated this extraordinary number, how the benefit can be rea

S5 Ep50: How does trade policy affect competition?
November 11, 2022

How does a bilateral trade agreement affect the amount of competition in both countries? New data casts doubt on the conclusions that trade economists have drawn in the past, Meredith Crowley tells Tim Phillips.

S5 Ep49: How did inflation get so high?
November 04, 2022

Ricardo Reis tells Tim Phillips why many advanced economies ended up with inflation levels that we havent seen for a generation. Did policymakers make mistakes, or do we need to change the entire policy framework?

S5 Ep48: Climate and debt
October 28, 2022

Mitigating and adapting to climate change is economically rational. But it is also expensive, its not clear how the cost should be financed, or which countries or actors assume the burden. The 25th Geneva Report from CEPR investigates these questions. Be

S5 Ep47: Slowing the spread of the next epidemic
October 21, 2022

Whether its a return of Covid-19 or another epidemic, we now know much more about the best policies to protect economies while limiting the spread of infection from place to place. Flavio Toxvaerd tells Tim Phillips about new research on what will work n

S5 Ep46: How does climate change affect asset prices?
October 14, 2022

Heat stress from climate change affects the economy, so does it change the cost of issuing debt or the return on equities? Viral Acharya has investigated how this climate risk is priced, and he tells Tim Phillips how it raises the cost of borrowing most f

S5 Ep45: How social media influences the news
October 07, 2022

We know that millions of people get their news from social media, but does Twitter influence what traditional news outlets report as well? Julia Cag tells Tim Phillips about a new study of 2 billion tweets.

S5 Ep44: Violence against women at work
September 30, 2022

When a man is violent to a woman at work, is the outcome different compared to when a man is the victim? A new study reaches some disturbing conclusions. Adams-Prassl talks to Tim Phillips.