The Sexual Abuse Begins - VIGALAND

January 11, 2017

Vigaland Book Podcast #10 of the Memoir,
written and narrated here by Viga Boland
The scene: an 11-year-old girl, not yet into puberty, awaits hungrily while her mother cooks her favourite dinner, breaded pork chops, in a tiny attic kitchen. Just a few yards away, down the narrow hall, the girl’s father rests on his bed after a long day of work.
The father calls the daughter to the bedroom. Obediently, she comes into his room. He is smiling, loving. She is not afraid…yet!
Her father bids her to come closer to his bedside. She does as she is told. Suddenly his hand is up her dress, touching and probing that most private spot with his fingers. She recoils in fright.
“Shhhhh…” he whispers, looking around her to be sure her mother is still in the kitchen. He puts one finger on his lip in the universal sign of “Be quiet.” She is. But she is also afraid. Terribly afraid. What has her father just done? She wants to know why he touched her there. His explanation is odd. Should she believe him?
He sends her on her way to ask her mother how dinner is coming along, with the warning not to tell her mother what just happened. Why not?

And this is how the sexual abuse of a daughter by her biological father begins in Chapter 8 of the book, “NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER”. The chapter’s title “Not Quite Right” is how the author felt about what her father had just done to her in 1957 when the molestation, followed by full-out sexual abuse got underway.  Her father was like a fox in waiting: only looking harmless.
Listen to today’s Vigaland Book Podcast #10 to get the answers to the questions posed above. This is a long chapter. But then, when it comes to childhood sexual abuse, the effects last a lifetime. Thanks for listening.
Impatient to know what happens next? You can purchase the book in digital format for your Kindle or ePub readers directly from the author’s website store at