Vigaland Book Podcast 8: No Tears for my Father: Canada Calling - VIGALAND

December 07, 2016

Vigaland Book Podcast 8: No Tears for my Father:
Canada Calling    

In these next two podcasts from my memoir, NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER, I will be bringing you Chapter 7, but in 2 parts, as the chapter is a little too long to podcast in one go.
In Chapter 7, when I was around 10 years old, my parents, primarily my father of course, decided to leave Australia and move to Canada, hence the title of the chapter, “Canada Calling”. This came about as a results of chats over drinks on several occasions with their good friend, Karol, another Polish immigrant who had married an Australian woman. Karol was always talking about the snow, the mountains they all remembered from Poland and said while none of them would ever go back there, Canada could offer the same beautiful landscape, especially in winter. Bit by bit, my parents got caught up in the idea of moving to the colder climes of Canada, and in June 1957, my father sold up our home in Yagoona and we packed up our few meager belongings and answered  Canada’s call. INcidentally, Karol stayed in Australia. No way would his Aussie wife leave her sunburned country. My parents never saw Karol again, but I did, many years later as a married adult. By that time, he and his wife Rosie were long divorced and Karol remarried to a “good Polish woman”, Maria.
In today’s podcast, you will hear about this planning and what happened the night before we flew out that made my father furious with me. And in the final podcast of 2016, Podcast #9, which will air between Christmas and New Year, if not earlier, I’ll bring you the conclusion of that chapter and Part 1 of NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER. Be sure to tune in.
I’ll be putting these podcasts on vacation after Podcast #9 until late January or early February, where we will move into Part 2 of my memoir with “ADOLESENCE” and my introduction to sex under the tutelage of my biological father.
Thanks for listening.