Vigaland Book Podcast6: Jekyll & Hyde - VIGALAND

November 23, 2016

Chapter 5: Jekyll and Hyde
I wish I could say that the contents of Chapter 5 of my memoir of incest, “No Tears for my Father“, which is titled “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is colourful and funny enough to be a cartoon like the fabulous depiction on the left by of that famous book character. My father was neither colourful nor funny, though one could say his personality was forever changing colours, as you will hear in this Vigaland Book Podcast #6.
My father always puzzled me, from a very young age. He could change moods at the drop of a hat. His attitude toward me could go from loving to abusive within seconds. Sometimes, he was nicer to me than my mother was times. But one thing is certain, he was always harder on me and crueler than her when he was in a Mr. Hyde mood.
In his very senior years, he was diagnosed as diabetic. One can’t help but wonder if that disease affected him as a younger man too but none of us knew it. Or was he simply a power hungry, controlling narcissist who deep down hated women. No wonder that now, 16 years after his death, I am still haunted by his actions, still trying to understand what drove him to be the way he was. Sadly, I know I’ll never find the answer.
Anyway, if you are following my podcasts of “No Tears for my Father”, today’s chapter will prepare you even further for what eventually happened in my teens and early adult years. If you’ve not read the book and are impatient for the podcasts to arrive, remember you can always buy the book in softcover of digital format for your KINDLE or ePUB readers directly from my website store at this link:
And remember, your comments on this podcast, or on your thoughts on child sexual abuse by family members or otherwise are always welcomed below this post. Thanks for listening.
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