November 07, 2016

A Memoir of Incest by Viga Boland
Chapter 4: Wagging School
In tonight’s podcast, #5, on the historic eve of the 2016 Presidential election, I am sharing Chapter 4 of my book, “No Tears for my Father”. Perhaps you’re too busy following the polls and news to see who will win to listen to this over the next 48 hours, but I hope you’ll do it later.
Living in Canada, I’m surprised how this particular election has taken over my psyche and I suppose, that of women worldwide. Like, it’d be wonderful to see a woman finally become the president of the United States: it’d be a statement to the rest of the world, in my humble opinion, that we women are indeed valued for more than our faces and our bodies; that not everyone thinks the only place for a woman is in the home serving her husband’s every wish and having her every move and decision subject to his approval; that both male and female voters in the US don’t agree with Trump’s mysogynistic attitude toward women. Electing a woman president for the first time in US history would elevate, not lower world opinion of the US. Just my two cents of course.
I can’t help but wonder how many more generations will have to pass before indeed, women take their rightful place beside men: beside them, not beneath them. Equal in every way. That is certainly not how it went down in my childhood home: my mother and I didn’t dare step out of line. In many respects, Mr. Trump reminds me of my father: a mysogynistic bully who revered and demeaned women in the same breath: he loved them and hated them. And I believe, underneath all that bullying, he was threatened by women, afraid of losing power and control. How many men mistreat their wives and children by being overly controlling lest they be considered weak if they try to get what they want by gentleness and kindness?
Anyway, just thought I’d reflect on that before telling you about today’s chapter, #4, which is about the time I “wagged school”. What’s that mean? Wagging school is Australian for playing hookey. Wanting desperately to feel some freedom, to make my own decisions, to have some control over my life while still in primary school, I decided to “wag school”. More than that: I actually talked my next door playmate into wagging school with me! When she got bored and wanted to go home, she dobbed me in. Her grandma told my father and all hell broke loose. Listen to today’s podcast to see how I was punished and why I never “wagged school” again. Brace yourself.
Don’t have time to listen? Remember you can always buy the book, in printed, signed format or digital for your Kindle or ePub reader directly from my website store at   Thanks for listening. Please share this link with other victims of incest who might be interested in hearing my story.