Verge of the Fringe

Verge of the Fringe

Rumors of Twain's Demise

February 28, 2015

TwainsDemise.JPGMy Dad and I tried to stop by Twain's Restaurant in Studio City for breakfast, but instead we entered a portal of memories...

Proudly presented rawunedited and in one-take... recorded February 28, 2015 on Zane Grey's Observation Deck with my Marantz PMD 620. "Twain's Rumors"captured on my old-ass iPhone 3G.

Running Time: 17:25 / File Size: 16.4 MB  
RatedR (Mature LanguageThemes and Ideas). Please be advisedNot for all tastes.
"God bless us, every one." ~ Tiny Tim
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