Verge of the Fringe

Verge of the Fringe

94 Candles for Kerouac

March 13, 2016

A humble celebration of Jack Kerouac's enduring legacy on his 94th birthday. Recorded March 12, 2016 on the third floor observation deck at the Zane Grey Estate, using my Marantz PMD670. "Jack's 94th" shot on my old-ass iPhone G3. Proudly presented raw, unedited and in one take. AUDIO LINK Running Time: 17:27File Size: 16.5Rated: R (Salty Language and Ideas) MENTIONS: Jack Kerouac, DTLA, Subterranean Kerouac, Vanity of Duluoz, Petros Papadakis, Spontaneous Prose, Zane Grey, 20th Century, Joseph Dougherty, Handwritten Theatre, Welcome to Night Vale, Film Noir, L.A. Confidential, James Ellroy, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Beat Generation, "Joan Anderson Letter", Neal Cassidy, Denver, Al Matthews, Venice, Gas House, Drum Circle, Rock and Roll, Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Eagles