Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Latest Episodes

VZ 341: Instead of "New Year, New Me" Try This!
December 29, 2019

We are knocking on the door of a brand new year and many people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions.  “New Year, New Me!” is the rallying cry of many people vowing to take up good habits and dit

7 Tips for Navigating the Holidays As Vegetarian or Vegan (VZ 340)
December 22, 2019

We are RIGHT in the thick of the holiday season with many people getting together for family, fun, and food! Navigating the holidays can be challenging for ANYONE. However, making your way through potlucks and parties can be especially challenging espe...

VZ 340: 7 Tips for Navigating the Holidays As Vegetarian or Vegan
December 22, 2019

Whether you’re a guest or hosting a holiday , being a vegetarian, vegan, or reducetarian can be a bit tricky to navigate socially.   In this episode, we give you 5 tips to help you navigate the holida

The Best Darn Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili…Seriously Ya’ll! (VZ 339)
December 15, 2019

What’s better than a BIG bowl of vegetarian chili? How about a BIG bowl of Instant Pot vegetarian chili! Here’s why… But first, a quick disclaimer from this Texan who takes her chili VERY seriously! Since traditional Texas chili doesn’t call for beans ...

VZ 339: The Best Darn Instant Pot Vegetarian Chili...Seriously Ya'll!
December 15, 2019

Tis the season for some hot comfort food and the one we’re going to talk about today will NOT disappoint.  Today we’re going to talk about instant pot vegetarian chili.  Now, we’re from Texas so we ta

Awesome Sauce! 8 Vegan Sauces You Need to Try! (VZ 338)
December 08, 2019

The perfect sauce can take a dish from bland to simply AMAZING!  Here are 8 awesome vegan sauces you need to try!     Easy Lemon Tahini Sauce Tahini was something I had not eaten before becoming a vegetarian. If you’re not familiar with it,

VZ 338: Awesome Sauce! 8 Vegan Sauces You Need to Try
December 08, 2019

The perfect sauce can take a dish from bland to simply AMAZING!  Here are 8 awesome vegan sauces that you need to give a try!

A Review of The Game Changers (VZ 337)
December 01, 2019

In this episode of our podcast, we review a recently released documentary called The Game Changers.    Back in episode 275, The Rise of the Vegan Athlete, we discussed how many athletes are turning to a plant-based diet.

VZ 337: A Review of The Game Changers
December 01, 2019

Back in episode 275 we did an episode called T that talked about how many athletes were turning to a plant-based diet. If you listened to that episode, you might recall that I was particularly excited

Your Guide to Vegan Chocolate (VZ 336)
November 24, 2019

Who doesn’t love a great piece of chocolate??? And VEGAN chocolate? Even BETTER! Checkout out the podcast here where we talk all about vegan chocolate or read on for a quick summary.     Wait…All Chocolate Isn’t Vegan?