Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Latest Episodes

VZ 356: Why Being a Part-Time Vegan is Better Than Nothing with Siovonne Smith
April 19, 2020

Today we are excited to welcome Siovonne Smith, author of the book The 3-Day Vegan.   When we reviewed Siovanne’s book, The 3-Day Vegan, we really resonated with the message. In her book, Siovanne giv

The Best Sources for Vegan Probiotics (VZ 355)
April 05, 2020

As we deal with the global COVID-19 pandemic, staying healthy is essential. One of the ways to do this is to keep our digestive systems healthy. Enter probiotics; more specifically, VEGAN probiotics!    You can check out our discussion of vegan probiot...

VZ 355: The Best Sources for Vegan Probiotics
April 05, 2020

As we are currently dealing with a global pandemic, it’s essential that we are keeping ourselves healthy. One of the ways we keep ourselves healthy is by keeping our guts healthy. In this episode of t

10 Healthy Coping Mechanisms To Help You Through Uncertain Times (VZ 354)
March 29, 2020

These are definitely uncertain times.  As I write this, the world is dealing with a major pandemic which has left people feeling isolated, scared, angry, and anxious. Many are having trouble coping with this stress.   In this episode of the podcast,

VZ 354: 10 Healthy Coping Mechanisms During Uncertain Times
March 29, 2020

There is no doubt that these times we are in are not like anything most of us have experienced before. Hopefully, it won’t be something we will experience ever again.  With things so uncertain these d

What is Miso? Plus 5 AWESOME Miso Recipes (VZ 353)
March 22, 2020

So what is miso? Back in episode 176 we talked about the amazing benefits of fermented foods. One of the foods we discussed was miso.  To be honest, I had no clue what it was until I became a vegetarian; I didn’t even know it existed!

VZ 353: What is Miso?
March 22, 2020

Back in episode , we talked about the amazing benefits of fermented foods and one of the foods we discussed was miso.  This episode of the Vegetarian Zen is all about miso. This was something I had no

On Being a Joyful Vegan with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (VZ 352)
March 15, 2020

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we welcome Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, a recognized expert and thought leader in the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living vegan.   Who is Colleen Patrick-Goudreau?

VZ 352 : On Being a "Joyful Vegan" with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
March 15, 2020

Today on the podcast, we are excited to welcome recognized expert and thought leader in the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living vegan, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. Colleen is an aw

5 Awesome Benefits of The Three Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (VZ 351)
March 08, 2020

Think you know all there is to know about the three Rs of waste management–reduce, reuse, and recycle? You might be surprised at how even making a few small changes can really help the planet a LOT! You can listen to the podcast here… …or read on for m...